Spay & Neuter
Support the fight against animal overpopulation
Every year thousands of stray and unwanted animals are euthanized in shelters across the United States. Many of these deaths are the avoidable result of owners failing to spay and neuter their pets. The unexpected offspring of these liaisons often fill shelters and are never given the chance at happy, loving lives.
Spaying is a common veterinary surgical procedure performed on female cats and dogs. The process is called an ovariohysterectomy and involves removing the patient’s uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, rendering the animal incapable of reproduction. Orchard Hills Animal Hospital veterinarians recommend spaying your pet at 3-6 months, depending on your dog’s breed and ideally before the patient’s first heat.
Spaying has many notable benefits including:
- Prevents unwanted animal pregnancies
- Eliminates the risk of ovarian and uterine tumors
- Removes the possibility of life-threatening uterine infection (pyometra)
What to expect after surgery
Pet spaying is a major procedure that requires 10-14 days recovery time. Pain medication and potentially antibiotics will be sent home with you for post-operative care. Lethargy is common for the first couple of days following the procedure.
Neutering is performed on male cats and dogs. This process castrates the animal, removing their testicles and making them unable to impregnate females. Neutering is advised when your pet is 4-6 months old, but can be performed on older animals as well.
Neutering generates many important health benefits:
- Prevents unwanted animal reproduction
- Placates the animal, reducing aggressive behavior and decreasing dominant tendencies
- Reduces roaming and spraying (territory marking)
- Eliminates the risk of testicular and prostate tumors
What to expect after surgery
Although less invasive than spaying, neutering is still a major veterinary procedure that requires some recovery time. Following the procedure your pet will be sleepy from the anesthesia — this lethargy may last a couple days. Medication may be administered to combat pain. Owners must prevent the animal from licking or biting the incision to reduce the risk of infection.
For more information, give us a call at 360-835-2184 or schedule an appointment today.